Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kamp Krazy Pt 2

On the day before Nicole was getting checked into Kamp David got a phone call from work - the end of the converstation was that David had to go back to El Paso and work for three days. So we talked to the Kamp and it really wasn't going to be a problem and I took David to the Springfield airport.

While he was gone the Flu ran through the Kamp like wildfire. We ended up sending over 150 from our Kamp and 50 from another one during the last 8 days. It was CRAZY so I tried to help by doing paperwork and changing sheets and taking temperatures and loading vans, etc. John had his 13th birthday and I finally looked at them and said, I have to go be with my son. So he and I hopped on a Jet ski and spent a couple hours on the lake. We went back and had lunch in town and bought tickets to go to a show call the six. IT was AWESOME. After the intermission, they did shoutouts. I had arranged to have John's name called. We were in the second row. he was DYING. It was a great show and the proclaimed Jesus on the stage.

Later, as an added surprise, we drove to St. Louise and hung out in that town. We went up the Arch and to the city museum. David flew back from his El Paso stent to St. Louise and took John and I to dinner at Ruth Chris then took John to the St. Louis Cardinals game that night. They sent me this picture. I was shocked at the number of people whos last name was Pujols!

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