Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lessons from 2010

I made a new years resolution several years ago not to make new years resolutions. I mean, how bad is it to break a promise to yourself! So this New Years Eve here are my lessons learned in 2009 -

1) Laughter can so much better than yelling.

2) You can be mistaken for a hobo in Palmer, TX.

3) The sky really does turn green before the tornado touches down.

4) There is never any magical free time with three kids in the house.

5) If one is responsible for buying his own socs he will wear them till they look like a doily.

6) If I am doing the laundry I can throw the doily socks away.

7) Ice, a plastic kiddy pool and a pick ax are a dangerous combination.

8) You can cut your finger with a butter knife.

9) Friends don't necessary FORGET you, they just may not communicate well.

10) It is always good to go RIGHT at Jesus.


Lisa said...

I agree with the butter knife thing, I found out the hard way when I was 8! Help!

The Black Butterfly said...

So wonderfully stated,lol.
# 1 and 4 are something i can so relate to.

Samantha said...

I know the sock thing well. I had a sweater that I wore until it was just pieces of string wrapped around my 6 year old body. Haha, nice list. :)

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Wayne said...

Some good lessons learnt there I would say.

nevalia said...

nice blog

Anonymous said...

Hello! :)

مشروع جديد ناجح said...

you have a nice blog
good luck

Mary Leedy said...

That's a nice way of putting it. I like your idea of making New Year's Observations. #4 is still a problem in our house, LOL, but #1saves the day every time. Thank you for sharing. :-)

Jhiegzh said...

Some are also my New Year's Resolution..Just dropping to your blog..More Power! :)

cbaugh6 said...

Great stuff

StillSearching said...

Check out my blog at:
I just started