Monday, July 20, 2009

The Waitings KILLING ME!

Birthday's rock around my house. I have the most incredible husband that does everything in his power to make sure I have everything I want. I have to be careful, if I am in a store and snif a candle and say "Oooo, this smells good!" as soon as I turn my back there are 3 in the basket. I traditionally put them back on the shelf, kiss him on the cheek and tell him they don't smell "THAT good." So I know whatever my heart desires, he would go to the ends of the earth to try and get for me. If I wanted a month long trip to a mystical foreign country (that speaks english), I guarantee that it would be in the planning stages as soon as the words left my mouth.

So I have been "saving" for a very expensive lens I want for my camera. I was almost there when we had a bump in the road with some expenses and I had to use the savings all up, well except for $53. So I just set my mind to start again. I get rebates here and there, I get an occasional cash donation for photos and I try and save a little every month. Well my birthday arrived and I was greeted with cards and love. My husband handed me an envelope of cash and explained that he had been saving for about 6 months to get me my lens before school started again. I teared up. My reasonable side took over and tried to convince him to pay for "other" things we had recently purchased to no avail. He grabbed the envelope and said "You better pray I buy the right lens!" Heaven only knows I don't need to be trying to crank a nikon lense onto my canon camera. So for those of you that play football at brazos christian...Your in luck!!

Now I am waiting for the mailperson to deliver it. The waiting may actually kill me!

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