Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cell Phone Etiquette #5 - Hello, I have Caller ID

I think this will be my last installment of Cell Phone Etiquette. It will cover TWO items...

If I am standing talking to you and your cell phone rings it is rude to answer it!!!! I mean, I AM THERE. WE ARE TALKING. It would be like if someone just walked over and started talking in the middle of our conversation. Don't answer your phone. There are a very few exceptions for this but as a rule of thumb, the LIVE person should trump the phone, every time. What if you were in the Doctors office and the MD was examining you and right in the middle of the exam his phone rang and he answered it. You would be offended. Trust me, if you answer your phone while I am talking to you, I WILL CALL YOU ON MY CELL PHONE RIGHT THEN!!!

This brings me to another issue, I have texting and caller ID on my cell. If you call, you don't have to leave a message with your phone number unless you want me to call you back at a different number. If you just are distributing info, just text me the facts.

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