Saturday, April 25, 2009

One of their own

While looking out my kitchen window I noticed that the cows were staring at something. There was a great group of them gathered looking. I thought maybe one of the calfs wiggled over to my side of the fence and went out to lend assistance. Well one of two things were happening- APPARENTLY cows are intreged by cats OR the thought Smudgy was one of them.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Last month while traveling through East Texas, the kids and I got stuck in one lane road widening construction. There was a group of cows feeding close to the road so, we rolled down the windows and started 'talking' to them---to entertain ourselves during the wait! It was hilarious! They started talking back!! We had surrounding drivers cracking up!
You'd have been proud at my cow speaking abilities!! ;o)
If you're ever bored and lonely, just go out and visit with them!